International Conference on Business Analytics for Operations Excellence & Resilience
July 15, 2023-July 17, 2023
3-Day Conference
Business Analytics for Operations Excellence & Resilience
Communication in hottest topics for Professionals
Join the BAOER2023
As an Invited Speaker
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expertise before highly-profiled representatives in
your industry
for Professionals
2023 International Conference on Business Analytics for Operations Excellence & Resilience (BAOER 2023) will be held in Singapore from July 15th to July 17th, 2023.
BAOER is an annual meeting that includes keynote talks, invited talks, oral presentations and poster presentations of refereed papers, as well as online presentations. We invite submissions of papers and abstracts on all topics related to Business Analytics for Operations Excellence & Resilience. It aims to bring together diversity of authors and speakers from many nations and regions to share ideas and new perspectives in both theoretical and practical aspects of Operations Excellence & Resilience. BAOER2023 conference is mainly sponsored by Sensors and Systems Society of Singapore (SSS), and joinly supported by some universities, organizations and scientific communities.
Kind Reminder: Please don't reserve flight ticket or hotel room in advance till you get onsite confirming information from conference secretary. Should you need any assistance, please contact conference secretary.
Abstract / Not
for publication
Abstract submission is necessary if you want to
give a presentation during the Conference. Note
that abstract acceptance does not mean that your
full paper is automatically accepted for
publication, you are welcome to submit a full
paper, register and make presentation if you
want to publish the paper.
Download Abstract Template
Full Paper /
for Publication
For further publication, full paper acceptance
is required. However, it is necessary that at
least one author of the submission register to
the Conference and present the paper during the
Conference. Otherwise, the paper review process
will not be arranged and the submission will not
be included into the Conference Program.
Download Paper Template
Operational excellence is a methodology of striving for efficacy throughout an organization's processes. Operational excellence is part of organizational leadership and organizational intelligence. Operational resilience is defined as initiatives that expand business continuity management programs to focus on the impacts, connected risk appetite and tolerance levels for disruption of product or service delivery to internal and external stakeholders (such as employees, customers, citizens and partners). The end goal of operational excellence is to ensure customer expectations are met on an ongoing basis by continuously improving the processes by which a business operates. Concepts behind continuous improvement in operational excellence are derived from many other management philosophies with that focus, such as Six Sigma, Lean Thinking, OKAPI and Scientific Management.
Download BrochureAll full paper submissions will also be peer reviewed and evaluated based on originality, technical and/or research content/depth, correctness, relevance to conference, contributions, and readability. After a careful reviewing process, all accepted papers after proper registration and presentation will be published in International Conference Proceedings, which will be submitted to Ei Compendex and Scopus for indexing.
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